Has the urge to quit your 9 to 5 reached an alarming level? You might be passing through a phase where you don’t enjoy your job anymore and spend hours every day on Google searching for “how to start your own business”. There are two roads you can take – sulk and stay frustrated or take the plunge. We don’t need to tell you that you need to choose the latter option to avoid regretting years from now. Your bet may fail and you still might regret but regret of having tried and failed is still more comforting than one of not having listened to your heart.
Plenty of new business ideas may have already started doing the rounds in your mind and you may already started zeroing on the best business ideas. One of the most common misconceptions about home business and startup ideas is that they need to be unique. Had that been the case no eCommerce store would have come up after Amazon! Your idea need not be unique but it should be unique as far as the execution and problem solving is concerned. Now if you are still exploring how to start a small business below are list of business ideas that are worth exploring –

Ecommerce – If you are looking to get started with a small scale business ecommerce is perhaps the easiest way to plunge into it. From clothes to books and electronics people are buying everything online. You don’t even need to be a manufacturer to sell online and can merely be a trader who acts as the middleman in the sale of goods. There is no need to even invest on IT as platforms like Amazon allow you to start selling online without having to put in any substantial investment. If you are planning to enter into a nice product category such as homemade wines or artifacts that you yourself create it would be wise to get started with your own online store. Here too there are several ecommerce website and app development tools that let you sell online without having expertise in the field of technology. Like all good business ideas the start may be slow but if you persist with your idea you will surely taste success.

Web/Graphic Designer – Don’t be surprised if you come across suggestions on web and graphic designing careers upon searching how to start an online business. This is among the most lucrative business opportunities and ideal for people who have these skills. You can start all by yourself building websites, designing logos and other marketing materials. As your business grows you can engage other independent designers on a project basis. There is no overhead cost involved in such kinds of engagement.

Create Presentations – How many PowerPoint presentations have you created so far? Dozens? Hundreds? We are sure you’d have built up your expertise in creating the most inspiring presentations that deliver the message in a strong and powerful way. Its time you turn it into a small scale business sitting in your home. There are several professionals, students and businesses looking for PowerPoint professionals to get those rousing presentations created and you can cater to this audience with your services. Apart from presentations these clients also look for mailers, business reports and RFPs and if you are good with these you have got all you need to say goodbye to the Monday morning blues.

Social Media Consultancy – You don’t need a swanky office, you don’t need to spend millions of dollars on infrastructure and most importantly start this business from home. Spending on social media would touch the $100 billion mark in two years and every business worth the salt is spending aggressively on social media advertising. Apart from businesses even individual professionals are using this medium to reach out to their target audience. From creating ad copies to posting on Social Media handles this role requires you to offer end-to-end social media services. Given the importance of social media marketing going forward this is one role that isn’t expected to die soon.

Ecommerce Affiliate – Among the online business ideas that have gained immense popularity in the recent years is that of an ecommerce affiliate. If you don’t sell your products you can always help others to sell theirs and earn a steady flow of commission doing so. From Amazon to your next-door online store every player in the ecommerce business engages affiliates to sell their products and you can list their products on your website and earn commission on every recorded sale.

Content Writing – While we have mentioned content writing last in our list of home business ideas it isn’t surely the least lucrative one. In fact there are more people around the world exploring this idea than any other we have discussed so far. You don’t even need to bring along flattering work experience and profile to start your career as a freelance content writer. Billions of pages worth of content are published every week on the internet and majority of them are written by content writers. From analysts with news and information sites to ghost bloggers there are different roles that you can explore in this field. If there are small business ideas that have the smallest possible entry barrier this is surely one among them.
To sum up we have already looked at some of the most lucrative ideas for your startup. Starting your own business is worth the gamble in today’s tech powered world where traditional barriers of time, space and distance have been broken. The most profitable businesses in the world took birth in minds of average people who wished to break the monotony of 9 to 5 and chase their dreams. As we have mentioned earlier it would be a worthwhile risk to regret having tried and failed rather than stick to a job that you don’t find exciting or don’t foresee growth in it.